Monday, October 17, 2005


lumpy lumpy lumpy lumpy lump lump lump

and my lumpy says thank you for bringing him to me and i say thank you for bringing lumpy to me!

Monday, June 27, 2005

thanks thanks, eve for organising! and everyone who came down! great catching up with you guys! seeing how busy most of us are right now, i guess the next time we can meet up as a group is when those lucky ones, who are going to overseas, to get back!



hee. how silly. i'm like singing this song to EVERYONE on their birthdays. hahaha. oh well. i'm not tired of the song yet so... bless thy ears for any upcoming birthdays! hee.


someone's very old now! haha.

sazzie, sazzie. why didnt you come? no more pressies for you, friend. i'm taking the pressie back!! unless you buy me ice cream, sambal stingray, bbq chicken wings, ice kacang and erm... yeah. that's about it. hee.

thanks thank to eve who organised it! you're the best, sweets! =)

ooooh. and let may show her loud-hailer skills....... *grin*

RAY IS ATTACHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't you love me, ray? haha. i promise i wont tell nat! hahaha. =P
i'll post the pictures up as soon as i can! hasn't even got th time to upload onto my lappie. ahh. boss coming!! tata, folks!

Sunday, June 12, 2005


hee. =D

Monday, April 25, 2005

Being Twenty-Something by author unknown

They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis."

It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are a lot of things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.

You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones.

What you do not realize is that they are realizing that too and are not really cold or catty or mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.

You look at your job. It is not even close to what you thought you would be doing or maybe you are looking for one and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and are scared.

You miss the comforts of college, of groups, of socializing with the same people on a constant basis.

But then you realize that maybe they weren't so great after all.

You are beginning to understand yourself and what you want and do not want. Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find yourself judging a bit more than usual because suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life and add things to your list of what is acceptable and what is not.

You are insecure and then secure. You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused.

Suddenly change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.

You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such damage to you or you lay in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent enough to get to know better. You love someone but maybe love someone else too and cannot figure out why you are doing this because you are not a bad person.

You go through the same emotions and questions over and over and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision.

You worry about loans and money and the future and making a life for yourself and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be a contender!

What you may not realize is that everyone reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out.

- a little something a friend sent. it was because i'm gonna turn 21 soon. bummer. oh well... kinda fitting for all to read since all are like or turning 20-ish soon and perhaps facing the same dilemma. i know i can most definitely relate to some... -

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Petals Around the Rose

hey guys.

check this game out.

a test on your creativity

i had such a kick though a cheap thrill from this


the guy i got it from?

took like 20 mins to solve it and...

took yours truly onli a couple of seconds. =P

hey saz, i'm daring YOU! =D

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Lost but Not Forgotten

that's a interesting theory, derrick.

i'll definitely be mindful of that
the good o'days
easy to say and yet
what was taken from us
is lost
but never forgotten
time is a relentless bitch
and always will be
snapshot is our defiance
memory enshrined
til alzheimer's do us apart
leave memories alone
and live new memories
okay. i'm just rambling about nonosense. my psychology is officially driving me nuts. can't wait til exams are just a thing of the past!!!!!!!!
then... ...
*drum rolls*
may that be another season of memory-making fun , laughter, peace and joy.
and derrick... thanks. =)

Monday, April 04, 2005

our last group pix

as per request. still trying to figure out how to make the pic bigger.

Starry starry night

it's not real stars. dont get too excited. just raindrops on the car.

missing the nights of cambodia

eve... after exams, dearie. we'll hang out at your place, yeah?